Even if your home is extremely tidy, it may require deep cleaning every now and then. But the word “deep cleaning” can be extremely overwhelming for most people. This is because it is thought to require a lot of time and effort. But, you can actually overcome this fear by breaking down the process into smaller tasks that are easily manageable. Your first step should be to make a list of places in your house that may require deep cleaning. Here are some steps that could help you deep clean your home in a more effective and less time-consuming way:

Things Needed to Deep Clean Your Home

· Disposable scrub pads, towels, rags which you don’t mind getting rid off

· One bucket for dirty water and one bucket for clean fresh water

· A disinfectant, degreaser or dish soap of your choice

· Rubber gloves

· A rough scrub pad

· A bottle (with spray mechanism) that has a mix of water and vinegar in the 1:1 ratio

· A used/old toothbrush and scrub brush


Deep Cleaning Should Start from Decluttering

 Go room by room and find new places that may have visible clutter which you could get rid of. When you clear clutter from a room, it makes the deep cleaning process a lot easier. This is because when you see tidy surfaces, you’re more motivated to keep the process of deep cleaning going.

Cleaning Large and Hard-To-Reach Surfaces

 It is most difficult to deep clean hard-to-reach large surfaces. These include the ceiling, light fixtures, baseboards, walls and so on. The best way to clean these surfaces is to use tools such as a microfiber mop/duster. These tools have special handles that are thin enough so as to reach behind sofas without moving them. A little water on the duster or mop is enough to help you deep clean these large surfaces.

Any surface that close to a floor will end up building more dust and dirt. Therefore, it is a good idea to use warm water that is mixed with some dish soap to deep clean these surfaces. When cleaning bathrooms, you could add a dash of vinegar to your mixture in order to stop mildew and mold. There might be spots which you find it difficult or inconvenient to reach for cleaning. In such cases, using your microfiber cloth might be a good idea.

Deep Cleaning Your Windows

 It is fairly simple to clean your windows and the payoffs are huge. Start with vacuuming the tracks and sills. After that, spritz some glass cleaner onto the windows. Allow the cleaner to rest on the windows for about a minute before squeezing it off. When you wipe in a single direction on the inside of your windows and in another direction on the outside, then it would be easier to fix the streaks.

Deep Cleaning Your Bathrooms

 To deep clean your bathrooms, begin with scrubbing all toilets, sinks, bathtubs and showers. If you don’t already have a multipurpose cleaner, get one, and spray it inside your tub. Allow it to soak there for some time as it will help break up all the oil and soap that may have accumulated in the tub over a period of time. Repeat this process with your sinks and toilet bowls. It will make scrubbing later a lot easier.

Here’s an important tip: Don’t ignore the toilet base, which is close to the floor. This is where dribbles and dust might be accumulated.

Besides the tub and toilet, also wipe down the window treatments, mirrors and fixtures. You may need some extra time if you’re looking to clean the gunk, which has accumulated around the edges and corners. Take a moist tag and spritz some vinegar onto it when cleaning any dust or grime which may have built up in different parts of the bathroom.

Why You Need to Deep Clean Your Home

Here are a few reasons why you should deep clean your home:

Improvement in air quality

 Having bad air quality inside your house may not be good for your health. People who live in homes covered in dust often suffer from problems like eye irritation, hay fever, coughing, sneezing and asthma attacks. Deep cleaning is a good way to eliminate all dust particles and could also significantly help improve the air quality inside your home.

Removes viruses and bacteria

We may find it hard to deep clean our homes, but the fact is that it is extremely important to do so. This is because dirty homes can be the breeding grounds of unruly bacteria and viruses. The maximum amount of viruses in your home are present in places such as the living room, bathrooms and the kitchen. Though a quick wipe-down might be helpful in keeping bugs at bay, you may still need to deep clean these areas for the complete elimination of germs, bacteria and viruses.